In relation to international trade and food law and regulation, like in all other areas of activity, the firm strongly believes in the importance that its lawyers be constantly at the forefront of the intellectual and academic debates surrounding trade policy and the development or interpretation of its rules and procedures.
To achieve this, lawyers are encouraged and allowed time and resources to conduct research, publish articles and essays on specialized journals, speak at conferences and hold lectures or teaching courses in recognized universities or research institutes.
In recent years, lawyers in the firm have taught on various aspects of EU or WTO law at the following academic institutions:
- World Trade Institute - Bern, Switzerland;
- University of Pelita Harapan - Jakarta, Indonesia;
- Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali 'Guido Carli' (LUISS) - Rome, Italy;
- The Academy of European Law (known by the German acronym ERA for “Europäische Rechtsakademie”) - based in Trier, Germany;
- College of Europe - Bruges, Belgium;
- University of Torino - Torino, Italy;
- Summer Food Academy - Bilbao, Spain; and
- Universitat de Lleida - Lleida, Spain.
For a detailed list of the articles or legal essays published by lawyers in the firm, please see the pages with the individual lawyers’ profiles.