Competition and EU Law
- "As long as the system of remedies and the objectives are not undermined: The Court of Justice on GDPR enforcement (Case C-21/23, Lindenapotheke)", EU Law Analysis, December 2024, Alessandra Fratini and Giorgia Lo Tauro.
- "Non-material Damages for GDPR Infringements After the Austria Post Judgment”, in Service Challenges, Business Opportunities, and Regulatory Responses in the Postal Sector, October 2024, edited by P. L. Parcu, T. Brennan and V. Glass (Spinger).
- "A ‘conditional payment’ is still a payment: the Court of justice rules again on online order buttons (Case C-400/22, Conny)", EU Law Analysis, July 2024, Alessandra Fratini and Giorgia Lo Tauro.
- “‘Trusted’ rules on trusted flaggers? Open issues under the Digital Services Act regime” – in EU Law Analysis, April 2024, Alessandra Fratini and Giorgia Lo Tauro.
- “Ricevibilità dei ricorsi proposti da persone fisiche o giuridiche contro orientamenti della Commissione nel settore degli aiuti di Stato” – in Rivista del contenzioso europeo, n. 2/2023, December 2023, Giorgia Lo Tauro.
- “The First Tests of the SGEI Framework in the Postal Sector: Takeaways from the Judgments in the Ceská pošta and Post Danmark Cases” – in The Postal and Delivery Contribution in Hard Times, March 2023 (Springer), Alessandra Fratini and Marc Chovino.
- “To Use or Not to Use the European Digital Identity Wallet: Data Protection issues in the ongoing legislative debate” – in EU Law Analysis, August 2022, Alessandra Fratini and Giorgia Lo Tauro.
- “Performance of SGEI Tasks Cannot, of Itself, Justify an Exemption from the Notification and Standstill Obligations – annotation to Case C-445/19, Viasat Broadcasting UK”, in EStAL - European State Aid Law n. 1/21, April 2021 (Lexxion), Alessandra Fratini.
- “The risks of customer data processing under the GDPR: the Österreichische Post case” – in The Economics of the Postal and Delivery Sector: Business Strategies for an Essential Service, April 2021 (Springer), Alessandra Fratini.
- “Beyond the USO: reflections on recent decisions on postal SGEIs”, in The Changing Postal Environment, Market and Policy Innovation, March 2020, edited by P. L. Parcu, T. Brennan and V. Glass (Springer), Alessandra Fratini and Manfredi Pucci di Benisichi.
- “Extension of Formal Investigation Procedure and Obligation to State (Consistent) Reasons – annotation to Case T-388/11, Deutsche Post”, in EStAL - European State Aid Law n. 3/19, October 2019 (Lexxion), Alessandra Fratini.
- “Design and Enforcement of Compensation Funds After Confetra: A Legal and Economic Analysis”, in New Business and Regulatory Strategies in the Postal Sector, February 2019, edited by P. L. Parcu, T. Brennan and V. Glass (Springer), Alessandra Fratini and Marc Chovino.
- “DHL Express (Austria): Towards Legal Certainty on Article 9 and Applicable Obligations for Postal Service Providers”, in The Contribution of the Postal and Delivery Sector, March 2018, edited by P. L. Parcu, T. Brennan and V. Glass (Springer), Alessandra Fratini.
- “Data protection and smart meters: the GDPR and the 'winter package' of EU clean energy law“ in EU Law Analysis - Expert insight into EU law developments, Alessandra Fratini and Giulia Pizza.
- “L’approccio delle istituzioni UE ai fenomeni ludopatici” in Quaderno Giuridico, Giochi e patologie, LexGiochi-Eurispes, 2017/3, pp. 39-49, Alessandra Fratini.
- “Minimum wages in the award of public contracts after RegioPost”, in The Changing Postal and Delivery Sector, February 2017, Edited by M.A.Crew, P.L.Parcu, T.J.Brennan (Springer), Alessandra Fratini.
- ”The Commission’s decision approving the UK Reform of Horserace Betting Levy under EU State aid law” in European Gaming Law Journal LEXANDGAMING, 27 April 2017, Alessandra Fratini.
- ”State Aid in the Postal Services Sector” in EU State Aid Control. Law and Economics, Wolters Kluwer, edited by P. Werner and V. Verouden, 2016, Alessandra Fratini.
- “La tassazione delle vincite da gioco all’estero dopo la legge europea 2015" in Quaderno Giuridico, Profili Fiscali nel Mondo del Gaming, Lex&Gaming-Eurispes, 2016/1, pp. 35-39, Alessandra Fratini.
- “The “Eco-leather” Claim: The Urgent Need for a Mandatory Labelling System for Leather Products at EU Level”, European Journal of Risk Regulation 2/2016, pp. 434-438, Alessandra Fratini and Mariacristina Bottino.
- “Mandatory labelling system for leather products: time for action”, in Revue européenne de droit de la consommation / European journal of consumer law 2015/1, pp. 71-90, Alessandra Fratini and Mariacristina Bottino.
- “Approvato il nuovo regolamento generale per la protezione dei dati personali nell’UE",, Mariacristina Bottino.
- “Compensation Fund Under EU Law: A Suitable Solution for the Postal Market?”, in The Future of the Postal Sector in a Digital World, January 2015, Edited by M.A. Crew and T.J. Brennan.
- “New EU Public Procurement Rules” (“Textbook Collection EU Law”), Publindústria, Edições Técnicas, 2015, Alessandra Fratini and Caspar Ebrecht (co-edited).
- Commento alla sentenza della Corte di giustizia UE nella causa C-463/13, Stanley International Betting Ltd e Stanleybet Malta Ltd c. Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze e Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli di Stato, European Gambling Law Journal LEXANDGAMING, 2015, Alessandra Fratini and Mariacristina Bottino.
- Commento alla sentenza del Tribunale UE, 8 gennaio 2015, Causa T-58/13, Club Hotel Loutraki AE e altri c/ Commissione europea, European Gambling Law Journal LEXANDGAMING, 2015, Marta Miglietti.
- Commento all’ art. 45 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea (con M. Condinanzi), in F. Pocar, (sotto la direzione di), Commentario breve ai Trattati sull’Unione europea e sul funzionamento dell’Unione europea, CEDAM, 2014, pp. 1766 – 1768, Mariacristina Bottino.
- Notes to the Judgement of 26 September 2014, Case T-601/11, Dansk Automat Brancheforening v Commission, and Judgement of 22 October 2014, Joined Cases C-344/13 and C-367/13, Blanco, European Gambling Law Journal LEXANDGAMING, 2014, Alessandra Fratini.
- “The First Exercise of Article 83(2) TFEU under Review: An Assessment of the Essential Need of Introducing Criminal Sanctions”, New Journal of European Criminal Law, Vol. 5, Issue 1, 2014, p.5, Marta Miglietti.
- “La nuova normativa europea in materia di risoluzione alternativa delle controversie dei consumatori”, in Contratto e Impresa/Europa, 1/2014, pp. 395 – 416, Mariacristina Bottino.
- “The New EU Criminal Law Competence in Action: The Proposal for a Directive on Criminal Sanctions for Insider Dealing and Market Manipulation”, IES (the Institute for European Studies –VUB) Working Paper Series n. 5/2013, 10 September 2013, Marta Miglietti.
- “Il processo di liberalizzazione del mercato postale: Unione europea e Svizzera a confronto”, M. CONDINANZI (a cura di) Unione europea e Svizzera tra cooperazione e integrazione, Milano, 2012, pp. 431 – 448, Mariacristina Bottino.
- “The proposed directive on the award of concession contracts: implications for USO entrustment and compensation”, in Reforming The Role of the Postal and Delivery Sector in a Digital Age, January 2014, Edited by M.A. Crew and T.J. Brennan, Alessandra Fratini.
- “La ricevibilità dei ricorsi di annullamento contro la decisione della Commissione 'di non sollevare obiezioni', G. Tesauro (sotto la direzione di “Concorrenza ed effettività della tutela giurisdizionale dinanzi ai giudici dell’Unione europea”, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2013, pp. 129 – 141, Mariacristina Bottino.
- "La recevabilité des recours en annulation en matière d'aides d'État", in Il diritto dell’Unione europea, 2/2013, p. 245, Mariacristina Bottino.
- “The proposed reform of the EU rules on public procurement: a postal sector perspective”, in Reforming the Postal Sector in the Face of Electronic Competition, 2013, Edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Alessandra Fratini.
- “The liberalisation of Italian postal services and the case of Special Services”, in “The Liberalization of Postal Services in the European Union”, Edited by D. Gerardin, 2012, Kluwer, Alessandra Fratini.
- "Arrêt Invitel: l’effet ultra partes des clauses déclarées abusives", in European Journal of Consumer Law, 2012, p. 587, Mariacristina Bottino.
- Commento all’articolo 106 TFUE del Codice dell'Unione Europea Operativo, diretto da C. Curti Gialdino, ed. Simone 2012, Alessandra Fratini.
- Il processo di liberalizzazione del mercato postale: Unione europea e Svizzera a confronto", in Massimo Condinanzi (a cura di) "Unione europea e Svizzera tra cooperazione e integrazione", Milano, Giuffrè, 2012, p. 431, Mariacristina Bottino.
- “Failure to implement the Postal Directive in the EU and in the EEA: public and private enforcement of State liability”, Multi-modal Competition and the Future of Mail, 2012, Edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Alessandra Fratini and Mariacristina Bottino.
- "The Universal Postal Service after the Lisbon Treaty: a True Step Forward?” on Vol. 10: Iss. 3, Article 8 of the Review of Network Economics, 2011, Alessandra Fratini.
- "Il diritto di accesso agli atti di causa. Il caso API", in Studi sull’integrazione europea, 2/2011, p. 303, Mariacristina Bottino.
- "Arrêt Ving Sverige : La notion d’invitation à l’achat examinée au regard de la Directive 2005/29/CE relative aux pratiques commerciales déloyales" in Journal des tribunaux / droit européen 2011 nº 181 p. 208 and Revue européenne de droit de la consommation, 1/2012, Mariacristina Bottino.
- "Arrêt Messner: la plénitude du droit à la rétractation en dépit d’une utilisation du bien par le consommateur", in European Journal of Consumer Law, 2010, p. 337, Mariacristina Bottino.
- “Accès à certains services ou éléments de l’infrastructure dans le secteur postal”, Libéralisation & Services Publics, ECONOMICA, Edited by F. Boldron, C. Borsenberger, D. Joram, S. Lécou and B. Roy, 2010, Alessandra Fratini, Bernard Roy and Joost Vantomme.
- “Access to infrastructure and service elements in the postal sector”, Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, 2010, Alessandra Fratini, Bernard Roy and Joost Vantomme.
- "The EU postal services and public procurement law: legal and regulatory issues for the postal sector", Progress in the Competitive Agenda in the Postal and Delivery Sector, 2009, Edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Alessandra Fratini and Fabio Filpo.
- “The 2008 EU telecommunications reform package”, Journal of Telecommunications Management, Henry Stewart Publications, 2009, Alessandra Fratini.
- "La nuova direttiva europea per il pieno completamento del mercato interno dei servizi postali comunitari", Contratto e Impresa/Europa – vol. 2/2008, p. 885 to 897, Alessandra Fratini and Gaia Pandolfi.
- "International roaming — The new EU roaming Regulation", Journal of Telecommunications Management, Henry Stewart Publications, 2008, Alessandra Fratini.
- "Licensing regimes in the postal sector: impact of the recent EC proposal for a third Postal Directive", Competition and Regulation in the Postal and Delivery Sector, 2007, Edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Alessandra Fratini.
- "USO Public Financing at the Crossroad Between the "Monti Package" and the Forthcoming Reform of the Postal Directive", Liberalization of the Postal and Delivery Sector, 2006, Edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Alessandra Fratini and Fabio Filpo.
- "Quadro Regolamentare per le Comunicazioni Elettroniche: Analisi dei Mercati Wholesale della Telefonia Mobile", Contratto e Impresa / Europa 1, 2006, Alessandra Fratini.
- "The New EC Framework for State Aid to Public Service and the Postal Sector: Where Do We Stand Now?", Progress toward Liberalization of the Postal and Delivery Sector, 2005, Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., Alessandra Fratini and Fabio Filpo.
- "Chronopost c. Ufex: la Corte di giustizia UE e le 'relazioni pericolose' fra settori riservati e mercati aperti alla concorrenza", Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, Anno XVIII, Fasc. 2 – 2004, Alessandra Fratini and Andrea Carta.
- "Chronopost v. Ufex: the paradox of the competing monopolist", Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business, Spring 2004, Alessandra Fratini and Andrea Carta.
- "I nuovi sviluppi giurisprudenziali sul concetto di aiuto di Stato: dalla formula Altmark al paradosso del monopolista-concorrente di Chronopost", Contratto e Impresa / Europa, vol. 2/2003, Alessandra Fratini and Fabio Filpo.
- "The new EC regulatory framework for electronic communications", Rassegna Giuridica dell’energia elettrica, January 2003, Alessandra Fratini and Fabio Filpo.